Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa largely consists of a volcanically formed high plateau that is surrounded on three sides by a low-lying desert. The Ethiopian highlands have an average altitude of 2000 meters, with peaks to 4000 meters. This area has numerous rivers, lakes and valleys. South of Addis Ababa runs the Great Rift Valley (Rift Valley). The country is 1.1 million km in size (26.5 times larger than the Netherlands) and has 94 million inhabitants. The official language is Amharic, however there are 83 other languages that are spoken. The main religions in Ethiopia are Islam (34%) and Christianity (63%), the majority of which are Ethiopian Orthodox.
According to the Clements 2021 list, Ethiopia has 881 bird species, 19 of which are endemic. Independent travel is not recommended. At the time we had 'Tsara Travel from the Netherlands' who provided the accommodations. Bird lovers can indulge themselves. We had a professional bird guide 'Mihret Ewnetu' who indirectly provided us with beautiful images. We recommend 3 weeks to get an impression of this country. Enjoy the images.
Aquila rapax
Tawny Eagle | Aquila rapax | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 26-01-2010
Elanus caeruleus
Black-shouldered Kite | Elanus caeruleus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Eremomela icteropygialis
Yellow-bellied Eremomela | Eremomela icteropygialis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 26-01-2010
Cercotrichas leucophrys
Red-backed Scrub-Robin | Cercotrichas leucophrys | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Bubo lacteus
Verreaux's Eagle-Owl | Bubo lacteus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Lamprotornis shelleyi
Shelley's Starling | Lamprotornis shelleyi | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Poicephalus rufiventris
Red-bellied Parrot | Poicephalus rufiventris | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Campethera nubica
Nubian Woodpecker | Campethera nubica | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Oriolus larvatus
African Black-headed Oriole | Oriolus larvatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Lamprotornis regius
Golden-breasted Starling | Lamprotornis regius | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Ploceus intermedius
Lesser Masked Weaver | Ploceus intermedius | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Chrysococcyx klaas
Klaas's Cuckoo | Chrysococcyx klaas | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Chrysococcyx klaas
Klaas's Cuckoo | Chrysococcyx klaas | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Passer eminibey
Chestnut Sparrow | Passer eminibey | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Curruca boehmi
Banded Warbler | Curruca boehmi | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Trachyphonus darnaudii darnaudii
D'Arnaud's Barbet | Trachyphonus darnaudii darnaudii | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Turdus tephronotus
Bare-eyed Thrush | Turdus tephronotus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Lophotis ruficrista
Red-crested Bustard | Lophotis ruficrista | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 24-01-2010
Centropus superciliosus
White-browed Coucal | Centropus superciliosus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 24-01-2010
Polemaetus bellicosus
Martial Eagle | Polemaetus bellicosus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 24-01-2010
Polemaetus bellicosus
Martial Eagle | Polemaetus bellicosus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 24-01-2010
Lamprotornis shelleyi
Shelley's Starling | Lamprotornis shelleyi | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 24-01-2010
Eurocephalus ruppelli
White-rumped Shrike | Eurocephalus ruppelli | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Anas erythrorhyncha
Red-billed Duck | Anas erythrorhyncha | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 24-01-2010
Oriolus larvatus
African Black-headed Oriole | Oriolus larvatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 24-01-2010
Spreo albicapillus
White-crowned Starling | Spreo albicapillus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 23-01-2010
Trachyphonus erythrocephalus
Red-and-yellow Barbet | Trachyphonus erythrocephalus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 23-01-2010
Malaconotus blanchoti
Grey-headed Bushshrike | Malaconotus blanchoti | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 23-01-2010
Cisticola brunnescens
Pectoral-patch Cisticola | Cisticola brunnescens | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 23-01-2010
Anthus leucophrys
Plain-backed Pipit | Anthus leucophrys | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 23-01-2010
Vanellus coronatus
Crowned Lapwing | Vanellus coronatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 23-01-2010
Coracias caudatus
Lilac-breasted Roller | Coracias caudatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 22-01-2010
Polemaetus bellicosus
Martial Eagle | Polemaetus bellicosus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 22-01-2010
Coracias naevius
Rufous-crowned Roller | Coracias naevius | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 22-01-2010
Monticola saxatilis
Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush | Monticola saxatilis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 22-01-2010
Pternistis harwoodi
Harwood's Francolin | Pternistis harwoodi | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 22-01-2010
Melierax poliopterus
Eastern Chanting-Goshawk | Melierax poliopterus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 22-01-2010
Melierax poliopterus
Eastern Chanting-Goshawk | Melierax poliopterus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 22-01-2010
Zosterops senegalensis
African Yellow or Grand Comoro White-eye | Zosterops senegalensis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 22-01-2010
Tockus erythrorhynchus
Northern Red-billed Hornbill | Tockus erythrorhynchus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Euplectes franciscanus
Northern Red Bishop | Euplectes franciscanus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Terpsiphone viridis
Northern Red Bishop | Euplectes franciscanus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Corvus crassirostris
Thick-billed Raven | Corvus crassirostris | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Onychognathus salvadorii
Bristle-crowned Starling | Onychognathus salvadorii | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Granatina ianthinogaster
Purple Grenadier | Granatina ianthinogaster | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Terpsiphone viridis
African Paradise-Flycatcher | Terpsiphone viridis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Aquila chrysaetos
Golden Eagle | Aquila chrysaetos | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Rougetius rougetii
Rouget's Rail | Rougetius rougetii | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Canis simessis
Ethiopian wolf | Canis simessis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Canis simessis
Ethiopian wolf | Canis simessis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Canis simessis
Ethiopian wolf | Canis simessis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Canis simessis
Ethiopian wolf | Canis simessis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Canis simessis
Ethiopian wolf | Canis simessis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Canis simessis
Ethiopian wolf | Canis simessis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Canis simessis
Ethiopian wolf | Canis simessis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Tadorna ferruginea
Ruddy Shelduck | Tadorna ferruginea | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Lanius cabanisi
Long-tailed Fiscal | Lanius cabanisi | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Buteo augur
Augur Buzzard | Buteo augur | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Buteo augur
Augur Buzzard | Buteo augur | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Tauraco leucotis
White-cheeked Turacorako | Tauraco leucotis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 19-01-2010
Nectarinia tacazze
Tacazze Sunbird | Nectarinia tacazze | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Anaplectes rubriceps
Red-headed Weaver | Anaplectes rubriceps | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Eurocephalus ruppelli
White-rumped Shrike | Eurocephalus ruppelli | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Apaloderma narina
Narina Trogon | Apaloderma narina | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Cinnyris mariquensis
Mariqua Sunbird | Cinnyris mariquensis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Plocepasser mahali
White-browed Sparrow Weaver | Plocepasser mahali | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Necrosyrtes monachus
Hooded Vulture | Necrosyrtes monachus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Lybius undatus
Banded Barbet | Lybius undatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Melaenornis chocolatinus
Abyssinian Slaty-Flycatcher | Melaenornis chocolatinus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Oenanthe pleschanka
Pied Wheatear | Oenanthe pleschanka | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Amadina fasciata
Cut-throat | Amadina fasciata | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Amadina fasciata
Cut-throat | Amadina fasciata | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Haliaeetus vocifer
African Fish-Eagle | Haliaeetus vocifer | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Haliaeetus vocifer
African Fish-Eagle | Haliaeetus vocifer | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Haliaeetus vocifer
African Fish-Eagle | Haliaeetus vocifer | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Haliaeetus vocifer
African Fish-Eagle | Haliaeetus vocifer | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Turdus abyssinicus
Mountain Thrush | Turdus abyssinicus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Burhinus senegalensis
Senegal Thick-knee | Burhinus senegalensis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 17-01-2010
Batis minor
Eastern Black-headed Batis | Batis minor | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 17-01-2010
Creatophora cinerea
Wattled Starling | Creatophora cinerea | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 17-01-2010
Actophilornis africanus
African Jacana | Actophilornis africanus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 17-01-2010
Merops lafresnayii
Ethiopian Bee-eater | Merops lafresnayii | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 17-01-2010
Lybius bidentatus
Double-toothed Barbet | Lybius bidentatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 17-01-2010
Haliaeetus vocifer
African Fish-Eagle (juvenile) | Haliaeetus vocifer | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 17-01-2010
Haliaeetus vocifer
African Fish-Eagle (juvenile) | Haliaeetus vocifer | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 17-01-2010
Haliaeetus vocifer
African Fish-Eagle (juvenile) | Haliaeetus vocifer | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 17-01-2010
Lophotis ruficrista
Buff-crested Bustard | Lophotis ruficrista | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Canis mesomelas
Black-backed jackal | Canis mesomelas | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Canis mesomelas
Black-backed jackal | Canis mesomelas | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Dinemellia dinemelli
White-headed Buffalo-Weaver | Dinemellia dinemelli | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Otocyon megalotis
bat - eared vos | Otocyon megalotis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Eupodotis senegalensis
White-bellied Bustard | Eupodotis senegalensis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Ardeotis kori
Kori Bustard | Ardeotis kori | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Upupa epops
Eurasian Hoopoe | Upupa epops | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Threskiornis aethiopicus
Sacred Ibis | Threskiornis aethiopicus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Pternistis leucoscepus
Yellow-necked Spurfowl | Pternistis leucoscepus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Trachyphonus margaritatus
Yellow-breasted Barbet | Trachyphonus margaritatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Lamprotornis superbus
Superb Starling | Lamprotornis superbus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Melierax metabates
Dark Chanting-Goshawk | Melierax metabates | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Lamprotornis purpuroptera
Rueppell's Glossy-Starling | Lamprotornis purpuroptera | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Coracias abyssinicus
Abyssinian Roller | Lamprotornis purpuroptera | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Pterocles exustus
Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse | Pterocles exustus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Pterocles exustus
Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse | Pterocles exustus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Bucorvus abyssinicus
Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill | Bucorvus abyssinicus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Lanius humeralis
Northern Fiscal | Lanius humeralis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Corythornis cristatus
Malachite Kingfisher | Corythornis cristatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Plocepasser mahali
White-browed Sparrow-Weaver | Plocepasser mahali | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Fulica cristata
Red-knobbed Coot | Fulica cristata | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Spatula hottentota
Blue-billed Teal | Spatula hottentota | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Lophotis gindiana
Buff-crested Bustard | Lophotis gindiana | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Malaconotus cruentus
Fiery-breasted Bushshrike | Malaconotus cruentus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Terpsiphone viridis viridis
African Paradise-Flycatcher | Terpsiphone viridis viridis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Polihierax semitorquatus
Pygmy Falcon | Polihierax semitorquatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Microcarbo africanus
Long-tailed Cormorant | Microcarbo africanus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Lanius collaris
Southern Fiscal | Lanius collaris | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
Spatula querquedula
Garganey | Spatula querquedula | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
Lanius humeralis
Northern Fiscal | Lanius humeralis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
Columba guinea
Speckled Pigeon | Columba guinea | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
Phoenicopterus roseus
Greater Flamingo | Phoenicopterus roseus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
Buteo augur
Augur Buzzard | Buteo augur | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
Buteo augur
Augur Buzzard | Buteo augur | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
Haliaeetus vocifer
African Fish-Eagle (juvenile) | Haliaeetus vocifer | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
Serinus nigriceps
Abyssinian Siskin | Serinus nigriceps | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 13-01-2010
Corythaixoides leucogaster
White-bellied Go-away-bird | Corythaixoides leucogaster | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 13-01-2010
Corythaixoides leucogaster
White-bellied Go-away-bird | Corythaixoides leucogaster | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 13-01-2010
Corvus rhipidurus
Fan-tailed Raven | Corvus rhipidurus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 13-01-2010
Lamprotornis chalybaeus
Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling | Lamprotornis chalybaeus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 13-01-2010
Anthus cinnamomeus
African Pipit | Anthus cinnamomeus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 13-01-2010
Uraeginthus bengalus
Red-cheeked Cordonbleu | Uraeginthus bengalus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 13-01-2010
Oenanthe leucopyga
White-tailed Wheatear | Oenanthe leucopyga | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Ardea goliath
Goliath Heron | Ardea goliath | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Oena capensis
Namaqua Dove | Oena capensis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Grus grus
Common Crane | Grus grus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Lamprotornis chalybaeus
Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling | Lamprotornis chalybaeus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Haliaeetus vocifer
African Fish-Eagle | Haliaeetus vocifer | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Fringillaria tahapisi
Cinnamon-breasted Bunting | Fringillaria tahapisi | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Corvus rhipidurus
Fan-tailed Raven | Corvus rhipidurus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Corvus rhipidurus
Fan-tailed Raven | Corvus rhipidurus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Oenanthe isabellina
Isabelline Wheatear | Oenanthe isabellina | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Aquila rapax
Tawny Eagle | Aquila rapax | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Myrmecocichla melaena
Rueppell's Black Chat | Myrmecocichla melaena | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Falco biarmicus
Lanner Falcon | Falco biarmicus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Gypaetus barbatus
Bearded vulture | Gypaetus barbatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Gypaetus barbatus
Bearded vulture | Gypaetus barbatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Gypaetus barbatus
Bearded vulture | Gypaetus barbatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Lophoceros hemprichii
Hemprich's Hornbill | Lophoceros hemprichii | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Passer griseus
Northern Grey-headed Sparrow | Passer griseus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Pternistis squamatus
Scaly Francolin | Pternistis squamatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Theropithecus gelada
Gelada Baboon | Theropithecus gelada | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Vanellus melanocephalus
Spot-breasted Lapwing | Vanellus melanocephalus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Calandrella erlangeri
Erlanger's Lark | Calandrella erlangeri | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Buteo augur
Augur Buzzard | Buteo augur | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Turdus plebejus
Mountain Thrus | Turdus plebejus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Vanellus melanopterus
Black-winged Lapwing | Vanellus melanopterus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Tauraco leucotis
White-cheeked Turaco | Tauraco leucotis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Monticola semirufus
White-winged Cliff-Chat | Monticola semirufus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Myrmecocichla melaena
Rueppell's Chat | Myrmecocichla melaena | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Cossypha semirufa
Rueppell's Robin-Chat | Cossypha semirufa | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Crithagra tristriata
Brown-rumped Seedeater | Crithagra tristriata | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Phylloscopus umbrovirens
Brown Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus umbrovirens | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Anthus cervinus
Red-throated Pipit | Anthus cervinus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Prinia subflava
Tawny-flanked Prinia | Prinia subflava | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Cinnyris venustus
Variable Sunbird | Cinnyris venustus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Muscicapa adusta
African Dusky Flycatcher | Muscicapa adusta | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Anas undulata
Yellow-billed Duck | Anas undulata | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Oenanthe isabellina
Isabelline Wheatear | Oenanthe isabellina | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Oenanthe pleschanka
Pied Wheatear | Oenanthe pleschanka | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Colius striatus
Speckled Mousebird | Colius striatus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Oenanthe bottae
Red-breasted wheatear | Oenanthe bottae | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Cyanochen cyanoptera
Blue-winged Goose | Cyanochen cyanoptera | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Merops lafresnayii
Ethiopian Bee-eater | Merops lafresnayii | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Turdus litsitsirupa
Groundscraper Thrush | Turdus litsitsirupa | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Lanius humeralis
Northern Fiscal | Lanius humeralis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 09-01-2010
Coccopygia quartinia
Yellow-bellied Waxbill | Coccopygia quartinia | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 09-01-2010
Euplectes capensis
Yellow Bishop | Euplectes capensis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 09-01-2010
Aregash lodge Yirgalem. Very well run by a couple (she was Italian and he was a Greek) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 29-01-2010
It looks like a hundred years ago | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 30-01-2010
Fishing boys | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 30-01-2010
Aregash lodge Yirgalem (coffee ceremony) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 29-01-2010
Aregash lodge Yirgalem (coffee ceremony) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 29-01-2010
A slope of 12% and a temperature of more than 40 degrees Celsius | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 28-01-2010
Photographing an African Black-headed Oriole with great interest | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
Drive to Arbaminch | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
Paradiselodge Arbaminch | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
Nile crocodile can grow up to 5-6m in length | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
Nile Crocodile (Lake Chamo) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
Nile crocodile can grow up to 5-6m in length | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
Fishermen with Nile crocodiles around them | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
A fisherman clever with his legs out of the water (Lake Chamo) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
Hippo (Lake Chamo) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
Not so smart with crocodiles around | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
This crocodile is getting ready | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
Boat trip Lake Chamo | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
Hippo (Lake Chamo) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
Granulate to make concrete | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 27-01-2010
The bus stop to Kenya | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Fully loaded to the roof | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 25-01-2010
Mini car a luxury | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 24-01-2010
On the A8 road towards Kenya | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 24-01-2010
Termite hope | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 23-01-2010
The local work traffic | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 23-01-2010
The goats' nanny is a young girl | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 23-01-2010
Mihret in conversation with villagers | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 23-01-2010
Our next stay (Negele Green Hotel) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 23-01-2010
During the route to Negele | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Chlorocebus aethiops
Grivet | Chlorocebus aethiops | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Local Children (Sof Omar Caves) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
The longest cave in Ethiopia at 9.4 mile long | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
The longest cave in Ethiopia at 9.4 mile long | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Toy, Mihret and local guide explore | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Drinking and washing place for the local people and animals | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Sof Omar (dry and very hot) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Negele (house under construction) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 21-01-2010
Our Hotel near Bale Moutain (the communist influences from 1989 are still noticeable) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
The Ethiopian wolf preys on the giant mole rat (Tachyoryctes macrocephalus) and rodents such as grass rats (Arvicanthis) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Canis simessis
Ethiopian wolf | Canis simessis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Canis simessis
Ethiopian wolf | Canis simessis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Canis simessis
Ethiopian wolf (Command "sit") | Canis simessis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Canis simessis
Ethiopian wolf (Command "lie down") | Canis simessis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Canis simessis
Ethiopian wolf | Canis simessis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Bidens pachyloma
September Flower | Bidens pachyloma | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Descent of Bale Mountain | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Sanetti plateau (830 mi²) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Sanetti Plateau (Cows at 4000m) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
A look ahead by Mihret Ewnetu | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Bidens pachyloma
September Flower | Bidens pachyloma | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Sanetti Plateau (531.000 acre) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Giant Lobelia (endemic plant in Ethiopia) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Saneti plateau (at cloud height) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Saneti plateau (at cloud height) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Helichrysum Splendidum
Cape gold | Helichrysum Splendidum | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
Fascinating landscape on 4000m | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
On the way from Goba to Dinsho | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 20-01-2010
On the way from Goba to Dinshoho | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 19-01-2010
The road from Goba to Dinsho (moment of rest) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 19-01-2010
Tragelaphus buxtoni
Moutain Nyala (male) | Tragelaphus buxtoni | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 19-01-2010
Tragelaphus buxtoni
Moutain Nyala (male) | Tragelaphus buxtoni | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 19-01-2010
Tragelaphus buxtoni
Moutain Nyala (female) | Tragelaphus buxtoni | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 19-01-2010
Tragelaphus buxtoni
Bergnyala (mannetje) | Tragelaphus buxtoni | Foto gemaakt in Ethiopië | 19-01-2010
Wabe Shebele Hotel | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Bishangari Lodge (Bizarre Landscape) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
Bishangari Lodge (overnight cottage) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 18-01-2010
A nice cooling, washing and drinking place for humans and animals (Lake Langano) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 17-01-2010
Lake Langano with waxing local residents | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 17-01-2010
The three best cars for Africa are: Toyota, Toyota and Toyota | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 17-01-2010
Otocyon megalotis
Bat-eared Fox | Otocyon megalotis | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Canis mesomelas
Black-backed jackal | Canis mesomelas | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Cunete Hotel (Awash NP) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Kobus ellipsiprymnus
Waterbuck | Kobus ellipsiprymnus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Baboon | Papio | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Phacochoerus africanus
Common warthog | Phacochoerus africanus | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 16-01-2010
Awash NP (Awash river) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
Entrance Awash national parkional park | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 15-01-2010
A confident little boy | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
Drive to Debre Zeit | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
An occasional stop along the way | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
Interesting stops | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
Grain harvest trading | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
New building under constructionre | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 14-01-2010
Along the road to Ankobar | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 13-01-2010
The Hotel (300 steps up) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 13-01-2010
Jemma valley (walking distances doesn't seem to be a problem) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Jemma Vallei (Toy had to pee) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Mihret Ewnetu our top guidei (hold Toy's camera) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Jemma Valley (guide the cattle) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Jemma Valley very interesting place for birds | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Jemma valley (where there is water are mostly birds) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Patiently waiting for the photographing men | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Marian happy with a good Hotel called Eva | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
The top Hotel Eva | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
We declined a very bad hotel and found a top hotel 50 m away | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
We rejected the reserved hotel (Mihret and driver wait patiently) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Debre Birham (local transport) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 12-01-2010
Surroundings Ethio- German- Park-Hotel | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Surroundings Ethio German Park Hotel (the start of a beautiful journey) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Surroundings Ethio- German- Park-Hotel | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Surroundings Ethio- German- Park-Hotel | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Surroundings Ethio- German- Park-Hotel | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Theropithecus gelada
Gelada | Theropithecus gelada | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Theropithecus gelada
Gelada | Theropithecus gelada | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Theropithecus gelada
Gelada | Theropithecus gelada | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
Ethio- German- Park-Hotel in Debre Libanos (with security) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 11-01-2010
On the way to Debre Libanos | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Learned young is done old | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
The start of the journey (our driver and car) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Letting the cattle out | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
The "Portuguese Bridge" was not built by the Portuguese, but by an Ethiopian named Ras Dargein (19th century) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Monastery of Debre Libanos | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Gardening service Addis Ababa | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Ethio- German- Park-Hotel (the owner with his wife) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Ethio- German- Park-Hotel | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Ethio- German- Park-Hotel (thirsty after long drive) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Ethio- German- Park-Hotel (restaurant) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010
Ethio German Park Hotel (arrival) | Photo taken in Ethiopia | 10-01-2010